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The Complete Canal Priests Of Mars is now available!The original publication of Canal Priests Of Mars cut slightly over a third of author Marcus L. Rowland's manuscript to fit GDW's adventure format. The Complete Canal Priests Of Mars restores the cut material, features all new artwork by Paul Daly, and adds many useful player handouts. Enjoy the "author's cut" of a classic Space 1889 adventure, or experience it for the first time!See our Buy It! page for more information! Old news is still available on the News Page. |
Only the TRMGS reprints are currently in print as of November 1998. Many may still be availble from distributors... you may be able to ask your local retailer to try and order them for you.
GDW halted trading in 1996. Frank Chadwick currently holds all copyrights and trademarks to the game. The GDW part number is listed before title.
RULEBOOKS 1889 Space 1889 -Hardcover rulebook 1981 Referee's Screen -Includes supplemental rulebook 1984 Soldier's Companion -Miniatures rules for Space 1889 -Includes history of military on Mars 1891 Ironclads and Ether Flyers -Naval miniatures rules for Space 1889 -Includes ship design rules REFERENCE BOOKS 1983 Conklin's Atlas of the Worlds -General background material note: "Venus Sourcebook" was listed in GDW's catalog but was never produced - no draft manuscript exists ADVENTURES 1901 Tales from the Ether *** -Five short adventures, one on each planet -Description of Orbital Heliograph Station 1902 Beastmen of Mars ** -Set in Martian highlands -Background of Steppe Martians 1903 Caravans of Mars * -Includes desert sourcebook -Information on Martian trade 1904 Steppelords of Mars * -Nomad tribes setting 1905 Cloud Captains of Mars *** -Set in Karkarham, "The Casablanca of Mars!" -Information on Red Captains -Additional ship designs 1906 More Tales from the Ether ** -Four short adventures, all on Mars 1907 Canal Priests of Mars *** -Information on Ether liners -Martian Religion -Best published Space 1889 adventure Ratings: * Not bad ** Pretty good or contains essential information *** Great adventure and good information Note: these are just my opinions, and are intended to help the novice pick out what to buy first. I own a copy of all these products and will be happy to give more details. BOXED GAMES 1890 Sky Galleons of Mars -Aerial Flyer combat board game -Only map of Martian Crown Colony (really!) 1892 Temple of the Beastmen -Combat in a Martian Kraag 1893 Cloudships & Gunboats -Deck plans of common aerial flyers -History of European aerial units on Mars -Cardboard figures (25mm) MINIATURES 1821 Victorian Adventurers -Europeans, ten different figs 1841 Soldiers of the Queen -European Colonial Soldiers -21 figs, 10 poses 1842 Legions of Mars -Canal Martian Warriors -21 figs, 10 poses 1843 Kraag Warriors -High Martian Warriors -20 figs, 10 poses 1801 Martian Cloudships -Additional plastic models for Sky Galleons 1802 Aerial Gunboats -British plastic models for Sky Galleons PERIODICALS Ether Society News -Newsletter for Space 1889 -Five issues published (0, 1-4) -Contents of issue 4 from issues 1 and 2 of TRMGS Challenge Magazine -Every issue from #34 on (except 75) has a Space: 1889 article note: All GDW products except Challenge are out of print but most can still be obtained from distributors
25mm Colonials (includes 1889 Martian Artillery), 1/1200 19th Ironclads (includes ACW and Sky Galleons of Mars Expansion Ships), 20mm WWII Equipment.
Journal of 19th century colonial warfare. Vol. 24, No. 13 has series on Space: 1889. Itıs now an online zine.
Official Space: 1889 publication. Reprints of Issues 18 available from Heliograph, Inc. Issues originally 32 pages each with B&W artwork.
http://www.heliograph.com/trmgs/ TRMGS Vol. 1Posted Monday, 04-May-2009 19:53:34 EDT